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Business coaching

Business Owners


As a self-employed person or entrepreneur, you run into a range of challenges that "Business Coaching" can help with. An external business coach can make a valuable contribution based on his or her expertise. An Interpoint Business Coach thinks along in solving operational, tactical or strategic dilemmas. In addition, this coach is a top entrepreneur with a large dose of experience and thorough knowledge. Through years of experience, he or she knows what an entrepreneur encounters in daily practice. An Interpoint business coach functions as a critical sounding board and thus sharpens your thoughts and approach both personally and organizationally.

Something for you

Business Coaching is specifically for entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals


Other components of Coaching


INTERPOINT is het ontwikkelingsinstituut voor het Caribisch gebied en Suriname. Wij bieden, naast opleidingen en (incompany) trainingen aan particulieren en bedrijven, ook consultancy, interim management & recruitment diensten, en kennisontwikkelingstrajecten op maat aan voor organisaties in de publieke en private sector.

© 2023 Interpoint BV

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