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Professional advice

Get the optimal return from counseling sessions


Only the best trainers

Training with impact

Small groups

Exerting influence and getting advice accepted are necessary competencies for every professional. You must be able to deal effectively with resistance and objections. In the training course "Professional Advice" you learn how to exert influence without power during consultations and decision-making processes. A highly engaging training for the contemporary professional.


Something for you

The "Professional Advising" training is designed for professionals who regularly conduct advisory conversations with both internal and external clients.



After this training you will be able to set up a strategic advice meeting. You have learned how to get advice accepted and how to create support. In addition, you are able to listen empathically and to pay attention to the various dimensions within consultancy conversations. You know how to make optimal use of your own qualities and those of your client. And you are able to take a leading role in complex advisory processes. You are able to strengthen your relationships within the force field of an ongoing project. Finally, you can position and profile yourself powerfully both verbally and non-verbally.


INTERPOINT is het ontwikkelingsinstituut voor het Caribisch gebied en Suriname. Wij bieden, naast opleidingen en (incompany) trainingen aan particulieren en bedrijven, ook consultancy, interim management & recruitment diensten, en kennisontwikkelingstrajecten op maat aan voor organisaties in de publieke en private sector.

© 2023 Interpoint BV

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