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Job interview


Find talent that suits you with recruitment from Interpoint!
Do you settle for who comes your way? Or do you choose who you really want? We help your organization find the talent that really suits you and your organization's ambitions. Choose recruitment from HR Point.

Why recruitment from Interpoint?

You are looking for the right person in the right place. We take this off your hands and carry out the process from A to Z. From drafting a clear vacancy text and holding selection interviews, to organizing assessments to prevent mismatches.


The best match for your needs

With our specialist recruitment in IT, Technology, Staff, Management and Executive, we listen to what you need and look at culture and working environment. With maximum attraction in the job market through active online performance and outreach with our network, we find the talent that really suits you and your organizational ambitions.


  • Recruitment & Selection

  • Interim & Projects

  • In-company Recruitment

  • Executive Search

  • Employer Branding


INTERPOINT is het ontwikkelingsinstituut voor het Caribisch gebied en Suriname. Wij bieden, naast opleidingen en (incompany) trainingen aan particulieren en bedrijven, ook consultancy, interim management & recruitment diensten, en kennisontwikkelingstrajecten op maat aan voor organisaties in de publieke en private sector.

© 2023 Interpoint BV

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