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Mission, vision and strategy

Team work
Thinking along on a management and strategic level. Together we make the mission, vision and strategy of your organization futureproof!

Between all the day-to-day operations, do you as a company still know what you are doing it for? What is the mission, vision and what strategy do we follow that is in line with this vision and mission?


Mission, vision and strategy is always customized

Organizational consulting on mission, vision and strategy is always a customized process that requires an intensive good relationship between the consultant and the company and its employees. Every company is unique, so every project is also unique! The Human Factor thinks along with you!


Key questions mission, vision and strategy

  • What is your mission?

  • What is your vision? 

  • What is your strategy? 

  • Core values?


Other components of Consulting


INTERPOINT is het ontwikkelingsinstituut voor het Caribisch gebied en Suriname. Wij bieden, naast opleidingen en (incompany) trainingen aan particulieren en bedrijven, ook consultancy, interim management & recruitment diensten, en kennisontwikkelingstrajecten op maat aan voor organisaties in de publieke en private sector.

© 2023 Interpoint BV

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